[fashion, edm, lifestyle tech]


Stardust Love's mission is to awaken souls, realize their destiny and empower spirit warriors with the gift of inner alchemy; the ability to change their surroundings using love, light, energy, music and fashion.

To really, truly, fully understand Stardust Love you have to realize that this is a movement, not just a set of hoodies and scarves.   That this galactic connection—how we connect—with all creation happens from the big bang to the eternal now.  

But even if rising tide of energy has yet to illumine your consciousness there is one truth you cannot miss: these hoodies look so damn good they have indeed started a movement to emerge in the world of electronic dance music and jumped species to become the choice of young professionals.  There is every likelihood that the next time you look in the mirror you will see a Stardust Love hoodie looking back at you.  And then the connection, the cosmos, the oneness of everything you perceive and your mission as a spirit warrior will finally make sense—as will Stardust Love, the next cosmic global brand.